Supporting our
Young People

I am focused on addressing the root causes of youth crime and providing focused actions to safeguard young people from the crimes that affect them and our communities the most.

Vote 2nd May 2024

Marianne Storey

Real Change, Honest Leadership, Safer Dorset.

Boy with Background

Supporting our Young People into Prevention of Crime


Reduce Antisocial Behaviour

Shoplifting crime has increased everywhere over the last year. Antisocial behaviour in BCP is way over the national average.

With a new commitment to tackling the causes of antisocial behaviour, alongside investment to reduce these crimes, we can stop this problem getting worse and return to our town centres without fear.



Education programmes about crime and about emotional regulation and mental health have been shown to reduce crime.

With a new culture of measuring impact and partnership efforts, we can be assured that the police are working hard to prioritise education programmes that work.


Support the Disadvantaged

Research shows that severe hardship and adverse childhood experiences increase a young person’s likelihood to offend.

With a much stronger emphasis on the importance of partnerships that support very disadvantaged young people, we can be confident that the police are part of a shared commitment to prevent children experiencing harm.


Commitment to Partnerships

The HM Inspectorate of Probation Report on Dorset Combined Youth Justice Services in 2023 recommended strengthening partnership arrangements for overseeing youth justice.

With Dorset Police making a stronger commitment to the arrangements for partnerships that tackle youth justice, we can be more confident that the right people are making the right decisions about young people involved in the justice system.


Different Life Opportunities

The Ministry of Justice introduced the Turnaround Programme in 2022 designed to divert young people away from crime after a first offence.

With a greater emphasis of transparency about the impact of diversion programmes and investment in their evaluation, we can be more confident that young offenders are following different life opportunities away from crime and being supported to do so.


Justice and Reform

Dorset has many strong and committed charities and voluntary organisations who support victims and campaign for justice and reform.

With skilled leadership across the voluntary sector, and investment in focused projects, we can be safe in the knowledge that all charitable organisations are working with each other and with the police towards the same aims of  keeping young people safe, supporting victims and preventing crime in our county.

Diverting Young People Away From Crime

Tackling Crimes That Affect Young People The Most



Crimes that affect young people and cause high harm are on the rise.

With a new emphasis on skilled leadership from the  police within the partnerships that tackle the complex problems of knife crime, drug-related crime, county-lines crime and child sexual abuse, Dorset’s young people have a much greater chance of benefiting from their existence.


Tackling Cybercrime

Research shows that 1 in 5 children between 10 & 15 have experienced cyberbullying and the numbers increase with age. Cybercrime, generally is on the rise.

With strong campaigning against online crime, and much improved ways to report cyberbullying and other forms of cybercrime, it will be easier for the police to take action against those responsible, wherever they are.


Ahead of The Game

The Policing Vision for 2025 describes how the police force needs to evolve to meet the needs of the next generation.

With a police force that is ‘ahead of the game’ because of a culture of innovation, an ability to adapt to the increase of online crime, and make the best possible use of technology and digital developments, Dorset can become an beacon of innovation and safety.

My Manifesto

Access my full manifesto:


Vote on 2nd May 2024

Marianne Storey

Real Change, Honest Leadership, Safer Dorset.

My priorities:

Higher Police Visibility,

Safer for Women & Girls,

Supporting our Young People.

2nd May 2024 Election

Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner 2024


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