Dear Resident
I am writing to tell you about the election that will take place on 2nd May 2024 for the appointment of Dorset’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and to ask if you will vote for change.
I am standing for election as an independent candidate, meaning I am not motivated by political views or guided by a political party. A vote for me is a vote for someone who truly represents the residents of our county. And I believe that our county is ready for change – ready for a new culture of honest dialogue and transparent actions, ready for a new kind of relationship with the police, built on trust.
The Dorset PCC’s main responsibility is to ensure that the police force delivers an efficient and effective service for the local community by holding them accountable and ensuring that the community’s priorities are the police’s priorities.
I have enjoyed a leadership career in the NHS, social care and the voluntary sector over the last 30 years, my last role being CEO of the mental health charity Dorset Mind. Across my career in the NHS and the Voluntary Sector, I have been committed to supporting communities and to lead and advocate for social change.
Drawing from this experience and consultation, I have identified three priorities that aim to provide an effective and efficient police service in Dorset, working on your behalf.
Higher Police Visibility: 33% of all crime in Dorset is violent, with town centre rates increasing by as much as 50% in the last year. We need visible and accessible policing, seen to protect and support.
Safety for women and girls: Nearly 8500 domestic abuse crimes were reported in Dorset in 2023, and only 7% resulted in a charge of summons. This cycle of crime and its culture needs to be broken, ensuring people’s safety everywhere and confidence in a police force we can trust.
Support Our Young People: 2024 crime statistics show that in Dorset, antisocial behaviour, shoplifting and theft remain above the national average. We need pathways away from crime and antisocial behaviour, tackling the root causes of youth crime and prioritising actions to safeguard young people from crimes that affect them the most.
My election campaign is built on the fundamental belief that real change comes from addressing the real issues that affect us all, through honest dialogue and transparent actions.
Please remember the 2nd May, 2024 and take 20 minutes to vote. You can find information about how to vote and your closest polling station on your council’s website.
For the Dorset Council area, voting information can be found here.
In BCP Council area, voting information can be found here.
I will be holding Q&A sessions around the county in the coming weeks. Why not say hello and learn more about why I have prioritised these three important subjects. Dates can be found on my website.
If you can’t make it in-person why not email me at
Marianne Storey
More of My Blogs

Beyond Party Lines: My Plan for No Politics Policing in Dorset
Having spoken to hundreds of people in the last few weeks, it is clear to me, that the people of Dorset cherish our community’s safety and quality of life – values that transcend the reach of political agendas.
As a candidate for Dorset Police & Commissioner, my focus is clear: to spearhead a policing strategy rooted in accountability and objectivity and dedicated to the welfare of all residents, irrespective of political affiliations.
This vision for a “No Politics Policing” model in Dorset is built on the principles of honest leadership, enhanced police visibility at every level, and a prevention agenda rooted in targeted support for vulnerable groups, such as women, girls, and my young people.

My Campaign So Far – People want to be heard.
I have spent the first few weeks of my campaign getting out and about to meet as many Dorset residents as possible. It has been a real pleasure to speak to so many people.